Does a Website makes sense today?

Does a Website makes sense today?

Does a Website makes sense today?

Does a Website makes sense today?

Does a Website makes sense today?

With the rise of apps, numerous web designers have made the transition to product design, focusing on digital products. Similarly, web developers have shifted their focus to become iOS/Android developers.

Riccardo Marconato

Feb 1, 2024


Riccardo Marconato

Feb 1, 2024


Riccardo Marconato

Feb 1, 2024


Riccardo Marconato

Feb 1, 2024


Riccardo Marconato

Feb 1, 2024


Moreover, many companies have started migrating to the app realm in recent years. This has led some to proclaim the death of web design, arguing that websites are no longer relevant in today's world. Is this claim valid? Let's delve into it.

The short answer is: yes, they make sense

I could stop writing here and affirm that websites continue to be relevant and, I dare say, are crucial. However, let me delve into the reasons why they retain such significance from the standpoint of user experience, communication, and market strategies.

I want to make it clear that this is not a post against apps. As a Product Designer myself, I have worked on digitally significant products for a long time. Therefore, I understand that sometimes websites have been overlooked, with someone even pointing fingers at them. However, web design is still a fundamental field that offers a different set of features and possibilities.

Websites enable quick access to information

While apps offer an immersive user experience, websites are still the best option when it comes to accessing information quickly. Think about it: if you need to check something on your phone, how often do you actually open the browser instead of using Google? Most people use a search engine to navigate the web, and websites are the first result we get. They provide information in a familiar and straightforward way, without the need for downloads or installations.

Moreover, with progressive web apps (PWAs), websites have gained more functionality and can now offer a smoother user experience comparable to that of apps. PWAs allow users to access some app-like features, such as push notifications and offline browsing, without actually downloading the app.

Websites are the best way to communicate

Websites are still essential communication tools. They act as an online presence for companies, organizations, and individuals. Through websites, businesses can showcase their products and services to a global audience 24/7. With the rise of social media platforms, websites have also become critical for directing traffic to social media channels and building an online community.

In addition, websites offer a more direct and personal way of communication through contact forms, live chats, and email addresses. This allows for quick and efficient communication with customers and clients.

Users won't discover a company simply by searching for it on the App Store or Google Play Store. They are more likely to stumble upon a website first and then decide whether or not to download an app. Therefore, having a well-designed and user-friendly website is crucial for businesses to attract potential customers and engage with current ones.

Landing Page, the fastest way to create web ads

A landing page is a standalone web page created specifically for marketing or advertising campaigns. It is designed to capture the attention of potential customers and encourage them to take a specific action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter.

Landing pages are an essential tool for businesses and marketers because they allow for targeted messaging and tracking of conversions. They also offer a fast and efficient way to create web ads, as they do not require the creation of a full website.

I specialize in designing landing pages, which are essential for promoting apps, products and main websites. These one-page websites are modern, sleek, and highly effective in showcasing your offerings.

A well-designed website effectively communicates branding and visual information

A well-designed website also communicates branding and visual information. The color scheme, font choices, images and layout all play a role in conveying the overall look and feel of a company.

Branding is crucial for businesses as it helps establish their identity and sets them apart from competitors. A website that effectively communicates branding through its design can help build brand recognition and loyalty with customers.

Visual information, such as high-quality images and videos, are also important for engaging visitors and keeping them on the website. A visually appealing website can help entice potential customers to explore further and potentially make a purchase or download an app.

Website development ETA and cost are lower

One of the advantages of having a well-designed website is that it can be more cost-effective and have a faster development time compared to an app. App development often requires different versions for different operating systems, while a website only needs one version accessible by any device with internet access.

Additionally, apps and their updates often require approval from app stores before being available to users, which can add time to the development process. With a website, you can have immediate access and control over its content without any delays.

Websites are easily shareable and accessible

Websites are also easily shareable through links or social media platforms, making it easier for potential customers to discover your business. This can lead to increased exposure and potentially higher traffic to your website.

Sharing a link from a website page with contacts is a breeze, but it's not something you can do with an app. This accessibility and shareability also make websites easier to market and promote through various online channels, such as search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising.

Websites are still crucial for a strategy

While apps have become a popular choice for businesses, websites are still crucial for a comprehensive online strategy. Websites can serve as the foundation of your online presence and provide important information to potential customers.

For example, if your business has an app, but not everyone has downloaded it yet, having a website with similar features and information can still reach those who may be interested in your products or services.

Websites offer more flexibility in terms of design and customization compared to apps. While app designs must adhere to the standards set by app stores, websites can be tailored to fit your brand and aesthetic.

While apps may have advantages in terms of functionality and user experience, websites still play a crucial role in any business's online presence.

App or Website: What to Create?

When it comes to deciding whether to create an app or a website for your business, it ultimately depends on your goals and target audience.

Apps are great for providing personalized and interactive experiences, making them ideal for businesses that heavily rely on user engagement, such as gaming or social media companies. On the other hand, websites are better suited for providing information and services to a wider audience.

Consider your target demographic and their preferred methods of accessing information. If you're targeting a younger, tech-savvy audience, an app may be the way to go. But if your target audience is more diverse in age and technological proficiency, a website may be the better choice.

Ultimately, it's important to have both a strong website and app presence, as they can complement each other and reach different areas of your target market. Having a website can serve as a landing page for potential customers who may not be ready to download an app yet.

No matter what you decide, the most important aspect is to ensure that both your website and app accurately represent your brand and provide a positive user experience. Consistency across all platforms is key.

I can help with it. Whether you need a stunning website or a user-friendly app, I have the skills and expertise to create a customized solution for your business. Let's work together to elevate your digital presence and reach more customers. Contact me today to get started!

Remember that having both an app and a website is not just about reaching your audience but also providing them with convenience. With an app, users can easily access your services or products at their fingertips. Meanwhile, a website allows for more detailed information and the ability to browse on different devices.

Furthermore, having both an app and a website can also boost your SEO efforts. By having multiple platforms that link back to your brand, you increase your online visibility and improve your search engine rankings.


Riccardo Marconato

Creative Designer specializing in Product Design and Design Systems. Over 10 years of experience, multiple awards, and international project contributions.


Riccardo Marconato

Creative Designer specializing in Product Design and Design Systems. Over 10 years of experience, multiple awards, and international project contributions.


Riccardo Marconato

Creative Designer specializing in Product Design and Design Systems. Over 10 years of experience, multiple awards, and international project contributions.


Riccardo Marconato

Creative Designer specializing in Product Design and Design Systems. Over 10 years of experience, multiple awards, and international project contributions.


Riccardo Marconato

Creative Designer specializing in Product Design and Design Systems. Over 10 years of experience, multiple awards, and international project contributions.

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